Exchange-Traded Funds

One-stop, lower-cost diversification
  • Basket of equities, fixed income, or commodities
  • Flexibility to buy and sell quickly—just like stocks
  • 24x5 trading on a select group of widely traded ETFs


trading on select ETFs

24x5 trading on select ETFs Why we trade exchange-traded funds (ETFs)?

ETFs combine the ease of stock trading with potential diversification. They are baskets of stocks and bonds, many of which are built to track well-known market indexes like the S&P 500®.

  • Diversification
  • ETFs are collections of potentially dozens, hundreds, even thousands of investments3
  • Flexibility
  • Because they’re traded on major exchanges, they’re typically as easy as stocks to buy and sell
  • Choice
  • We buy ETFs that track specific industries or strategies

Top five performing ETFs